All things Common Lisp

Content tagged roswell

Minimal Lisp setup using lem

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This is a set of instructions to quickly setup Common Lisp development environment on Linux using Lem editor

  1. Install roswell, see instructions
  2. ros install fukamachi/qlot
  3. ros install fukamachi/cl-project
  4. ros intall cxxxr/lem
  5. Modify .bashrc / .profile to include export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.roswell/bin"
  6. Create project using make-project following the example provided
  7. Start lem
  8. Open file <project>/qlfile and add dependencies
  9. M-x change-directory to <project>
  10. C-u M-x slime -> type 'qlot/' and Tab to select CL implementation
  11. (ql:quickload :<project>)
  12. PROFIT

Running McCLIM and other Lisp packages on Windows

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McCLIM is an amazing project and a treasure trove of useful utils like CLOUSEAU. Unfortunatelly currently McCLIM has no backend for Windows. I'd like to use McCLIM and experiment with developing a backend.

Windows is quite hostile environment for mostly Unix-based Lisp packages. And McCLIM is not an exception. It uses CLX as a backend library and depends on STATIC-VECTORS - package that require CFFI-GROVELER to dynamically compile C program on system load.